Top Reasons Why Google AdSense Isn't The Right Choice For You

make money with google adsense

This is what a new blogger thinks about making money -

I will open a blog, write a few posts, and make money with Google AdSense!
See what the same person thinks after 1 month or so -

I am not getting approval in AdSense. I need to quit blogging now!

I have got AdSense approval but I am not able to increase google adsense earnings. I think I need to use some AdSense tweaks or something else to boost my earnings!

The chances of continuing are rare! Even if he chooses to continue, he doesn't make even a single dollar!

Note that this is the case for most of the bloggers. If you are someone who makes decent money with with AdSense and is satisfied with it, neither the condition here nor the post is for you.

You don't have to blame AdSense for this. There are still guys making hundreds and thousands of dollars with Google AdSense. If there is someone to blame for, then it is none other than YOU!

Google AdSense doesn't work well with every blog. Here are some common reasons why Google AdSense doesn't work for you!

1. You don't have the proper kind of traffic

I didn't say you don't have traffic. I just said that you need the perfect kind of traffic!

Google AdSense requires a kind of readers if you want to make money. This is because they have advertisers like that!

I learnt this in a hangout from Kulwant Nagi sir. I believe what he said was correct.

For example, you can earn a lot with AdSense if your blog is of health or tech niche. But if your blog is on blogging tips, you might fail with it!

2. You are posting illegal stuff

If you post hacks, cracks, paid apps for free, unlocking pro features etc. kind of things, you cannot work with AdSense.

Wondering why? Because their policies don't allow these kind of websites.

If you want approval, delete those posts first, then apply for AdSense

3. The earnings aren't satisfactory

The earnings you get are not satisfying for most of the bloggers.

Unless you have a blog receiving tens of thousands of daily visitors, you surely can't make a lot of money!

4. You can be a victim of click bombing

If someone repeatedly clicks on your ad, you might get banned from AdSense.

I am not kidding this time. Deeds of others can make you lose your account.

I guess now you can report the invalid clicks to AdSense. But still you aren't 100% safe!

5. You don't have control over your ads

Google AdSense doesn't allow you to choose what kind of ads you want to keep for your website. They decide what to keep and what not!

If you are thinking how it is not good for your blog, imagine that you have got a direct ad for the product XYZ in your blog. Now the ad of the same company is appearing in the AdSense column as well. All the ads go the same, what will happen?

The blog would seem boring, right?


If you are able to overcome the five reasons, go on for AdSense, you would make money.

But if you are not, forget about it and look for other means!

That's all I want to convey!


  1. Isaiah JosephJune 23, 2014

    This list is great! Thanks dude

  2. vannyking9June 24, 2014

    Hi Isaiah,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
    Keep Visiting

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  4. Hi Rahul,
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    Keep Visiting

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    1. Hi David,
      Glad you liked it.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
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  6. very clear and nice concept.

    1. Hi Rajesh,
      Thanks for commenting.
      Keep Visiting :)

  7. I like your writing style
    Just great and clearly written.

    1. Hi Ajit,
      this post was written by one of my friend as a guest post. Since, our Author box is not working fine we are unable to feature him in the post.
      You can visit his blog here >> www.techprobex.com
      Thanks for your kind words
      Keep Visiting

  8. Nicely explained, good for new bloggers.

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for your kind words.
      Keep Visiting

